Health Topics: Eye Irritation

How serious is it?

Mild to moderate. Eye irritation on its own is NOT life threatening, however, it may be a symptom of malocclusion.

What is it?

Can be a simple irritation, scratched cornea, conjunctivitis (pink eye), a plugged tear duct, a symptom of malocclusion, or genetically related.

How can I recognize it?

"Wet" looking fur around the eyes or goopy eye boogers. Squinty, or in advanced cases, glued shut eyes. 

How do you treat it?

Many eye irritations go away on their own. But you can help the process by flushing with normal saline eye drops. If it is advanced, the vet can perform a scratch test to determine whether there has been trauma to the eye's surface. This requires antibiotic treatments orally or topically. Be sure to ask for DROPS, not OINTMENTS. If symptoms persist, you'll need x-rays to rule out malocclusion.

How can I avoid this?

Can be related to a certain brand of bathing dust. The shiny kind or that with added fragrances. Can also be related to a scratched cornea and (rarely) allergy related or genetic.